Quo vadis ars?

The situation in the cultural sector has been described and discussed in numerous interviews, corona diaries, comments and reports in the past few weeks. Our annotated collection of currently 193 sources gathers voices from different sectors and media. This creates a picture of the cultural landscape in crisis, whose temporal transformation can be explored interactively via a dedicated tag cloud.


Lost Art . Measuring COVID-19’s devastating impact on America’s creative economy

by Richard Florida, Michael Seman (11 Aug 2020)
Original source: Brookings Report

This Brookings Institution report, written by the economists Seman and Richard Florida, analyses the economic situation in the cultural industry of the USA in the period of April 1 to July 31, 2020. It estimates nationwide losses for the creative industries to be $150 billion, on everything from tickets and concert merchandise to paintings and music lessons. Of the 50 states, California will be hit hardest in terms of absolute losses for creative industries and occupations, New York City will be the hardest-hit metropolitan area. The fine and performing arts industries w ill be hit hardest loosing 50% of all jobs and more than a quarter of all lost sales nationwide. Nevertheless the authors of the detailed 30 pages report see an opportunity for communities to shift to locally sourced culture.

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tag USA New York Kalifornien Schließungen Arbeitsplatzverlust Federal Art Project lokales Publikum Umsatzeinbruch
All sections Studie

Durchs Raster gefallen . Kulturschaffende in Coronakrise
Fallen through the cracks . the arts community during Corona crisis

by Sabine Seifert (29 Jul 2020)
Original source: taz

Three months after an initial conversation about her personal situation as an artist during the lockdown, Sabine Seifert meets again with a singer, a visual artist, an actor and a museum educator to talk with them about their experiences during the Corona crisis. The working conditions for the artists are still all but optimal, as the hygiene rules for all cultural fields of work entail restrictions. Many people appreciate the social network that is provided in Germany. Emergency aid and basic security have helped them to survive the last few months financ ially. However, applications for basic security have only increased by about a quarter. Due to the bad aura of basic security called Hartz IV, many people were reluctant to apply.
Even the applications for solo self-employed persons do not take into account the living and working conditions of artists even after three months. Seifert critically observes that in many federal states the cost of living may not be regarded as operating costs, but also the fact that in the second round applications may only be made by tax or accountants is completely ignoring the reality of small and medium-sized enterprises. Although the profession of an artist is fundamentally associated with uncertainty, the general conditions have currently changed radically. No one can predict with certainty how the pandemic will develop. When again which event format will be possible.
Olaf Zimmermann, Managing Director of the German Cultural Council, points out that the working structures on the cultural market have changed in recent years. Although there are fewer artists, there are more solo self-employed people in the field of cultural education, management and technology. Cultural policy has failed to counteract the precarious structures that have emerged here. Basically, according to Olaf Zimmermann, one should think about whether the classic concept of the entrepreneur still applies to artists and cultural workers - especially since they make an important contribution to society.

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tag Soforthilfe Grundsicherung Solidarität Verdi bbk Elisabeth Anschütz Sascha Oliver Bauer Ka Bomhardt Wilko Reinhold Olaf Zimmermann
All sections Bericht

Ein bisschen Event geht immer . Klassik & Corona
A little bit of event always works . Classical music & Corona

by Manuel Brug (20 Jun 2020)
Original source: Welt

The friends of classical music would currently be preparing for an exciting festival summer if Corona did not prevent pretty much everything that inspires the classical world. In his article, Manuel Brug gives an overview of the plans for the summer and the start of the season. While the start of the season has already been postponed to January at the major opera houses in the USA, the Paris Opera is struggling with a 40 million deficit. In Germany, the new season is being celebrated with smaller productions, only the Bavarian State Opera does not want to miss a per formance with Marina Abramovic.

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tag Klassische Musik Oper Konzerthäuser Spielplan Festivals USA Paris Streaming Marina Abramovic
Music Bericht

Eight ways museums could make most of the coronavirus crisis . Failure to seize this opportunity to make changes would be a graver error than any breach of etiquette

by Adrian Ellis (11 Jun 2020)
Original source: The Art Newspaper

This article by Adrian Ellis draws from conversations in early May 2020 with museum directors in New York, Salem, Buffalo and Kansas City. They all agree to use the crisis to redefine the tasks of a museum by the following opportunities:
- Revaluating a new metrics of success
- Reviewing the strategies for exhibitions and education programmes
- Local social binding as «community anchors» by engaging the neighbourhood and deepening local partnerships
- Nurturing the virtual community
- Recalibrating the (conservative) organisati onal culture establishing mission and values
- Harnessing art to reimagine society
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tag Museum Neuausrichtung Museumspädagogik Strategie Digitalisierung
Visual Arts/Design Bericht

Wenn der Atem nach Freiheit dürstet . Endlich wieder im Konzert
When the breath thirsts for freedom . Finally in concert again

by Manuel Brug (20 May 2020)
Original source: Welt

For eight weeks and two days, Manuel Brug, the feuilleton contributor to the German newspaper Welt, did not attend any more cultural events. For the first live concert in Corona times he is travelling to Wiesbaden for the slimmed-down May Festival, which opens with the world-class bass and Corona rebel Günther Groissböck. Even though it was painfully experienced during the Corona era that culture is not relevant to the system and that politics is merely settling between gambling and brothel, this field report encourages the belief that the cultural industry can slowly reboot.

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tag Klassische Musik Konzert Systemrelevanz Günther Groissböck Hygieneregeln Wiesbaden
Music Erlebnisbericht

»Es gibt in Zeiten der Angst eine große Bereitschaft zum Gehorsam« . Daniel Kehlmann über die Corona-Krise
There is a great willingness to obedience in times of anxiety . Daniel Kehlmann on the Corona crisis

by Daniel Kehlmann, Patrick Bauer (06 May 2020)
Original source: Süddeutsche Zeitung

The German author Daniel Kehlmann experienced the outbreak of the Corona crisis in New York City and then retired to Montauk with his family. In an interview, he talks about his impressions of the crisis, the special politics of images and the consequences of the restrictions on freedom.

tag New York Bilder Buchbranche Freiheitsbeschränkungen Robert-Koch-Institut
Literature/ Text Interview

New New Deal . Toward a New Era of Social Imagination

by Hans Ulrich Obrist (05 May 2020)
Original source: artnet news

In this essay curator Hans Ulrich Obrist recalls conversations with photographer and film maker Helen Levitt (1913–2009) and reflects public programs to support artists in the US which were initiated a few years after the Great Depression in 1929 in the context of president Roosevelt’s New Deal. Interestingly, he mentions an early Mexican program in 1926 with artists paid by the government to decorate public buildings with murals. A similar scope had the federal US program Public Works of Art Project (PWAP) in 1934. The most prominent program was the Federal Art Project (FAP) starting in 1935 to support fine arts and practical arts by commissions, but also to promote educational services resulting in 107 new community centers giving arts and crafts classes to everybody. But demands as formulated by the American Society of Painters Sculptors and Gravers to pay rental fees to living artists for exhibited art works didn’t succeed.
Obrist not only demands a New Deal for the arts in times of the Pandemic, but also connects it conceptually to the ecological question referring to Jeremy Rifkin’s book “Green New Deal”.

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tag New Deal Kunstvermittlung Stipendien Auftragsarbeit Ausstellungshonorar Kunst am Bau Ökologie USA
Visual Arts/Design Statement

Das romantische Genie, das gar nicht anders kann, also großartige Kunst zu schaffen, ist ein Modell, so Elke Buhr in ihrem Kommentar im @MonopolMagazin zur aktuellen Lage der Künster*innen. . Kunst ist und bleibt kein normaler Job
Culture free of charge on the Web . Art Buisness is not a conventional job

by Elke Buhr (08 Apr 2020)
Original source: Monopol

tag Onlineangebote Künstlerbild Unternehmer Jerry Saltz
Visual Arts/Design Kommentar



The signet of facing arts joining the faces of STORM.

Facing arts is a non-profi project. Feel free to support it and get in touch with us!

The Team

Facing arts is a projet by STORM.

STORM is an acronym playing with the initials by Miriam Seidler & Tim Otto Roth, who are hit both by the Corona crisis. Dr. Miriam Seidler is a scholar in German literature and currently works as specialist in public relations. Dr. Tim Otto Roth is a scholar in art and science history and works as a conceptual artist and composer. He is known for his huge projects in public space, cooperations with leading scientific institutions and his immersive sound and light installations. Miriam and Tim collaborate regularly for years. With facing arts they reaslize their first common art project.
You find more informatin on both initiators on www.miriamseidler.de and www.imachination.net.

Special thanks to Paco Croket for the tag cloud programming!

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